Monday, July 28, 2014

So it begins...

So I know blogging has kind of died out from the rampant obsession it was 5 years ago, but I decided to jump back into it.  I'm not really sure what the plan is for the blog-at this point I just really needed a writing outlet.  I graduated in English in December and since then have really missed all the research and writing I was required to do as part of my studies.  I'm not a creative writer, so writing a book isn't really in the cards for me at this point, but I love newspaper column- type writing. Growing up I always wanted to write for a newspaper but, much like blogging I guess (ironic?) those are dying as well  (not that I wouldn't take a job doing that-HIRE ME!)  The mumblings and musings included in this blog will mostly be stories and thoughts about my family, my life and anything that happens to pop into my head. So welcome to the craziness inside my head!

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