Saturday, October 11, 2014

Vacation Horror

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I recently went on the worst vacation of my life.  The only vacation to rival it was Yellowstone when I was about 10 years old and was so sick I threw up in the hotel lobby and my oldest sister wouldn't even claim me.  That trip, much like this one, was spent hanging out in my bedroom most of the time.    In all fairness, it was not Hawaii's fault, nor was it my in-laws fault.  I will admit I was a little nervous going into the trip, I've actually never been on vacation without my family, and I didn't know what to expect.  We headed out bright and early to catch our flight and I wasn't feeling fantastic but I figured it was probably just the usual up-to-early-to-eat-breakfast unsettled stomach, but by the time we actually landed in Hawaii I was utterly worn out and run down.  We were taking family pictures that night, so as soon as we got to the house it was a mad scramble to make myself presentable and head out to the beach.
It was a bit of a circus wrangling all 21 of us, but the photographer was great and got some pretty good shots.  This is probably the best one of Ty and I; the wind was crazy and my hair was everywhere.  Thankfully we got through most of the pictures before the torrential downpour started!  We all huddled under a tree hoping it would pass, but we were utterly soaked and it was not worth continuing.  The next day started out cloudy again but we headed out to Hanauma Bay for some beach and snorkeling time!  That is when the fun really started for me.  It took our car about twice the amount of time to get there as the others as we had to make several stops for me.  Once we got to the beach I laid down on a towel and basically didn't move for the next few hours.  Tyler says I got in the water for a few minutes, but I honestly have no recollection of that!  Saturday, when everyone decided to do another beach day I opted to stay at home and sleep! Tyler was nice enough to bring me back a shaved ice and document the fact that I was in fact on the trip
not super flattering, but I was alive at least!
Luckily, the next day was Sunday and there wasn't a whole lot expected from me.  We went to church and then to the Laie Temple, which was beautiful.  After that I was allowed to just hang out and sleep again.  I was still having stomach bug issues (seriously, who gets the flu in Hawaii?!)  so I was on a fairly good diet of rice, saltine crackers and coke.  Not that I eat seafood, in fact I detest it, but when everyone else is eating fun island food coke is not what you want. Monday was the Polynesian Cultural Center, which was a little rough all around! I love the PCC, I've been a couple times before and it's one of my favorite places to go. It was a fairly rainy day, which sent many of us running for cover a few times and luckily it's not a guided tour so Tyler and I were able to still see all the things we wanted to while making sure I could take it easy and be within quick walking distance to a bathroom at all times. That night is when I finally started seeing the end of the tunnel!
We all met up to do the buffet and culture show, which was so fun(!), and that was the longest I spent without feeling like I was going to lose my lunch! Tuesday then became the best day of the entire trip for me! We went to a nearby beach to do some body surfing and boogie boarding.  It was a sunny day, everyone was happy at the beach, I kept all food down, and I remember playing in the water this time!  Ty and I played in the waves for a while, got covered in sand, finally soaked up some sun and even went to the Hukilau Cafe for lunch-I'm not joking when I say the best day of the trip.  We went to Pearl Harbor for our last day on the island, and something I'd been looking forward to for months.  I've been to Pearl Harbor twice and never had the chance to go out to the Memorial for the USS Arizona and it finally happened!  I was a little sick again, but enjoyed the day more than any of the beginning days so I'm calling that a win.  We were up bright and early at 4 am to come home and I cannot express the relief I felt at finally being able to come home.  You know how everything is just better when you're home, in your own space? I was looking forward to that with abandon! I was feeling good, eating well and then BAM one more curve ball.  
Nearing the end of the flight I was suddenly, overwhelmingly hot without explanation. I felt like I was going to lose it so I scrambled over Tyler, throwing my crochet project to the wind, and tried to make it to the bathroom to make sure I didn't ruin anybody's flight.  The flight attendants looked at my warily as I staggered to the back, my eyesight blurring into white.  I told them I thought I was going to be sick and they hurriedly tried to find me an empty lavatory.  The next thing I remember is laying on the floor with a flight attendant holding my ankles up.  I was still extremely groggy and I remember Tyler's sister, Ashley, coming back to help me (thank goodness for nurses in the family!) We were nearing the end of the flight so they moved some people from the seats nearest me to our seats closer to the front so Ashley and Tyler could sit with me the rest of the flight. They put cold compresses on my head, had me on oxygen, drinking juice, etc while people kept standing up in their seats to try to get a glimpse of the "crazy girl that passed out"!  The paramedics came onto the flight as soon as we landed and walked me off while everyone stared.  They ran tests on me: blood sugar, dehydration, asked about pregnancy (no, I'm not) and could not come up with an explanation.  But don't worry, they called me a wheelchair to get to the next gate!  
I'm pretty sure I'm not invited on the next family trip

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